Insulated #1: Must have only one coat of insulation and each individual strand of copper must be larger than a number two pencil lead. No ends, enamel coating, lead or steel is allowed to receive full price. All #1 insulated copper must be at least 70% copper and no more than 30% insulation coating by weight.
Romex: Plastic coated Romex. Each strand is #2 pencil lead size and bigger, individually coated, and one more coating holding all the strands together. No ends, enamel coating, lead or steel is allowed to receive full price. (Fiber coated wire with no ends will be purchased as #2 insulated.) Individual strands without the outer coating holding the strands together will be purchased as house wire.
Insulated #2: Example: regular housing extension cords and power supply cords without any ends or steel. Enamel coated copper strands are acceptable.
Insulated #3: Communication cable such as phone and computer cables without any ends or steel. Enamel coated copper strands are acceptable. Items that fit into the Insulated #2 category but have ends as long as they are not steel will be purchased as insulated #3.
Insulated #3 With Ends: Same as insulated #3 but can contain ends as long as they are not steel. Steel ends go into Christmas lights category.
Christmas Lights: Household Christmas tree lights. Large bulbs must be removed, all others are acceptable. Copper coax cable and wire with steel ends are to be purchased as Christmas lights.