Clare Division : (989) 386-7552 | Chase Division : (231) 832-2955 | Montcalm Division : (989) 328-2250


Top Things You Should Know About A Scrapyard

Scrapyards play a vital role in the proper use of natural resources. With the renewed focus on green living, sustainable material usage, and renewable resources, scrap salvage yards are important in keeping landfills from filling up with materials that could otherwise be recycled.

If you’ve ever wondered about the role that a salvage company in Clare, MI, can play in protecting the environment, you should know that the services provided by your local scrapyard are critical. They fulfill a great need by providing a cheap source of renewable materials for new manufacturing, and in doing so, they help keep prices for new goods low, prevent invasive mining for new natural resources, and reduce the amount of energy used to produce raw materials. Keep reading to learn a few more things you should know about scrapyard.

What Does a Scrapyard Do?

ScrapyardScrapyards have a specific purpose in that they collect waste metals that would otherwise be tossed in a landfill and convert them into scrap that can be reused. They serve as a clearinghouse or collection point for once-used items made from metal, then they sort that scrap and sell it to refiners who can convert the scrap into refined raw metals for industry and manufacturing. Since refiners are only interested in purchasing scrap in bulk, the scrapyard serves as a middleman between those who have small quantities of scrap metal to sell and refiners who need tonnage.

Who Is the Customer?

In the scrap business, the customers of scrapyards are the refineries that reprocess the metal back into its natural state. In other words, refineries transform finished metal products that were discarded back into raw materials that can be used in new manufacturing. Scrapyards also have the task of recruiting suppliers to meet the demand for scrap. In the case of the scrapyards, the suppliers could, for example, be anyone with a junk car or a fabrication business that has unused metal scraps that are otherwise discarded.

How Is Price Determined?

Metal wasteWhen you take scrap metal to a salvage yard, you may have no idea what it’ll be worth. There are two primary factors that are considered when determining the value of scrap metal. First, it’s tested with a magnet to determine its content. Ferrous metals, or metals that contain iron, will stick to a magnet. Nonferrous metals, or metals that don’t contain iron, such as copper, aluminum, or zinc, are usually assigned a higher value than ferrous metals. The second determining factor is the weight of the metal. The more the metal weighs, the more it’s worth.

Prices Vary Daily

Because of the laws of supply and demand, the prices offered for specific metals may vary significantly from day to day. Scrapyards may store scrap when prices are extremely low with the knowledge that they will eventually rise. They then sell when the price is high to realize the greatest profit. By that token, you should sell your scrap to the scrapyard when prices are high to get the greatest windfall.

Fair Salvage Prices

Fair Salvage offers competitive scrap steel prices in Michigan, with three convenient scrapyard locations in Chase, Clare, and Montcalm. Each location buys scrap metals, including steel, aluminum, copper, and more, providing fair market rates based on current scrap trends. Whether you’re recycling old vehicles or other metals, Fair Salvage ensures top value for your materials, making it easy to recycle responsibly across Michigan. We offer honest and up front scrap pricing; visit any of their three scrapyards to check the latest scrap steel prices in Michigan and recycle your materials today.

If you have scrap metal and don’t know what to do with it, consider selling it to a scrapyard. Not only will you generate some personal revenue, but you’ll also be playing a role in the reuse of natural materials that would otherwise need to be freshly mined. To learn more about scrapyards and how the scrap business works, contact Fair Salvage Company at (989) 386-7552.