- Drums, barrels, and paint cans: Lids must be removed, must be clean and dry, no hazardous residues present.
- Large tanks: Must be clean and dry, valves removed, manholes open, and in position so tank can be inspected at scale or a large hole must be cut in the side of the tanks.
- Tires: Accepted at no charge only when attached to a vehicle (you are allowed four per vehicle, no loose tires in vehicle). Tire deductions for all others will be $5.00 per tire for regular automotive size, $15.00 each for 4X4 and semi-truck size tires, and tractor and industrial equipment tires $25.00 and up depending on the size of the tires. *ALL TIRES MUST BE ON RIMS
- A service fee of $30.00 per vehicle will be charged for each vehicle with a fuel tank still attached or without a large hole in each tank on each vehicle.
- Oil cooled transformers must be dry.
- Refrigeration Equipment: Accepted only if certified empty of Freon or the compressors have been completely removed from the units (simply cutting lines does not count).
- Railroad material: must be accompanied by a sales receipt from the railroad
- Sewer grates and manhole covers need bill of sale
- Ballasts: must have a label stating they are PCB-free.