Clare Division : (989) 386-7552 | Chase Division : (231) 832-2955 | Montcalm Division : (989) 328-2250

Fair Salvage Company Becomes A Reality

Fair Salvage Company became a reality in December of 1986.  Many long days followed for both Floyd and Steve.  Both working their regular jobs as well as spending hours at Fair Salvage.

Sharlene and Floyd lived next to the yard.  This meant that Sharlene got really good at stepping out of her comfort zone and learned many new things.  She answered phones, met with customers, learned how to look up parts, kept the financial records, as well as many other things.

Those beginning years, everyone pitched in.  Shared talents they already possessed and gained new ones along the way.  Laughter, anger and frustration went hand-in-hand as the family worked together to grow the business.