Clare Division : (989) 386-7552 | Chase Division : (231) 832-2955 | Montcalm Division : (989) 328-2250


Clean Aluminum Wheels: Must be made of aluminum. Contaminants such as plastic coating, chrome plating, lead weights, or valve stems must not be present to receive full purchase value (See Unclean Aluminum Wheels).

Unclean Aluminum Wheels: Must be made of aluminum. Wheels that contain plastic coating, chrome plating, lead weights, or valve stems are purchased under this category.

Semi Wheels: Will be purchased as Clip Aluminum if they are made of aluminum and the wheel weights and valve stems are removed.

Aluminum Clad Wheels: Aluminum wheels with plastic

Old Sheet: any type of aluminum sheet with small amounts of contamination such as screws, staples, light tar, caulk, etc. No wood, stainless, or cast aluminum. Pop cans are also purchased as old sheet as well as other cans such as aluminum cat food cans. Pontoon floats are purchased as old sheet but they must have a hole cut in them so we can see that there is no water etc. inside.

Painted aluminum: Siding, soffit, fascia, and other similar materials. Most sheet type aluminum’s that have been factory painted (not hand painted) and are completely free of contaminants.

Cast aluminum: Grill tops and clean aluminum pistons are good examples. Must be completely free of contamination. All casted product breaks. It does not bend or dent.

Clip aluminum: Clean, shiny, and rough aluminum like lawn chair frames. Must be completely free of contamination. Chrome plated material with a mirrored finish will be purchased as old sheet.

Extruded aluminum: Example: window and door frames. Material has been run through an “extruder” so it is molded, not folded. Must be completely free of contamination.

Unclean Extruded Aluminum: Example: window and door frames. Material has been run through an “extruder” so it is molded, not folded. This product has small amounts of contamination such as screws, staples, light tar, caulk, etc. (No wood or stainless). The contamination can’t exceed 2% of the weight.

Irony Aluminum: Aluminum with excessive contamination. Must still be at least 50% aluminum by weight.